Wisdom on Bathroom Walls

I went to a show a couple of weeks ago Eleven to see a friends band Roman Watchdogs and saw the coolest scribblings on the wall. So I took a photo of it.

“They do not see you as you see YOU!” Wow, what a lovely statement to see in a bar bathroom, a place you see women layer on even more makeup or criticize something about themselves (too fat, too tired looking etc and so on) like every 5 minutes. It was a breath of fresh air in a way.

I realized at that moment that I needed to NOT be so critical of myself. As I stared at the words on the wall I had memories of people telling me…”Wow! You look great!” even when I didn’t feel that way at that moment. People will see what they want to see and judge no matter what, there really is no way of changing that about humanity, at least that is my current belief.

Sometimes we should read the writing on the wall and take it to heart.